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Marketing Stats


GetJackedAllBoilerplatesMarketing Log

Marketing Activity

53 marketing events recorded over 12 months

Code Contributions

2028 code contributions recorded over 12 months

Marketing Activity

Uploaded A YouTube Video
For a legacy stealth app *wink*
posted permutations of the reels
getting information on what works and what does not some are better than otheres for sure
Tried a new type of reel today
Idea was to make a different type of reel for the toolbox
Made a YouTube Video for a legacy product
Made a youtube video for a stealth legacy product.
Uploaded another reel
To IG and TikTok for getjacked
Get Jacked Landing Page Improved
Added app usage stats social proof
Shareable profile page
Users of getjacked get a sharable profile page showing their workout streak
More reels today
Reels seem to work, so doubling down
more reels
Made more reels today
made a second reels account
Warming it up this time because instagram seems to ignore account number one for some reason (zero views whereas the stuff works on tiktok)
instagram reel for getjacked
Tried myself at a new form of reel. Hook, reveal, fade-out quick

More reels for getjacked

instagram/tiktok reel
for getjacked
More execution videos added
Get Jacked exercise catalogue improved with more execution videos
Reel Posts for getjacked
Reel for getjacked made, shared on twitter, tiktok, instagram
more getjacked content videos
More exercise videos added to get jacked.
Instagram Reel
Workout condensed into a reel, shared on instagram account
Quora Question Answered
I answered a Quora question about biceps exercises
Posted to the twitter gym community
instagram reel
IG reel for getjacked
Quora Question Answer
Answered a question asked on quora about pushups
Shared progress on twitter
Posted into build in public that I made changes to the post
Update of an article
Updated an article with exercise videos
New IG bio
Tweaked the instagram bio
GetJacked Reel
Instagram Reel for GetJacked
Build In Public Update
Posted about "launching" the belt squat into the twitter build in public community
Belt Squat added to getjacked
Used in-app for people to look up how to do things but also used on the front-end for SEO. Available in all 3 languages
Twitter post for getjacked
Announcement of belt squats on twitter gym community. Mini-launch?
Instagram Reel
Published a reel on instagram
Added a new exercise to getjacked
Leaning lateral raises are a great exercise. I described it in the exercuse section of getjacked
Content Marketing
Made a reel for getjacked on instagram. First reel. Will try this daily for a month and see what happens
Added execution videos
Get Jacked supports execution video now. I added it to the code base and uploaded the first video for the first exercise, see link
Marketing Log is now a sponsor of allboilerplates
Quora Post
Answered a Quora question that has relevance for a getjacked blog post
Applied to StuffToSponsor
Stuff To Sponser lets you list your projects if they are sponsorable (Is that a word?) I applied for it for allboilerplates and for marketinglog
Loopable clips
Made some loopable clips for the get jacked exercise page. Adding to the app as well
T-Shirt store figured out
I need t-shirts with my brand so that my content is visually branded. Figured out where/ how to get them but the app complained about print quality. Need to figure out a better quality logo for that and off we go
Joined a gym to produce content
For getjacked, I need content. To make the content, I need a gym membership. Joined today. Am I stretching marketinglog contributions? Maybe
Build in Public Post
Posted about marketing log on twitter build in public
Reply Outreach
Reply-guyed a twitter post
Translating content
Translating existing blog content to German today for getjacked
Marketing strategy refined
Did some research about how to do marketing and as a result refined the marketing strategy somewhat. Aim is to focus on a blended approach. Short term, long term and direct. All 3 of those somewhat equally (similarly)
Long term content for getjacked
More content on getjacked
Channel Promotion
I promoted the channel on twitter
Affiliate Onboarding Completed
Onboarded an affiliate for a legacy project that's not on here
Post about Marketing Log on build in public twitter
Posted about using this tool on twitter
The best shoulder exercises for hypertrophy blog post
I wrote a post about the best shoulder exercises for hyperrtophy for getjacked
Fixed a bug on the marketing part
GetJacked had an issue on the marketing pages. H1 tags were missing on exercises and on muscle groups. Bad for searchability. Ooops. Fixed.
Affiliate Recruited
A relevant lead contacted me to become affiliate for australian citizenship tests.
Making a marketing tool
I need to store plain html in my pocketbase collection. I also need to write extended markdown. So... make a tool that converts the extended markdown to html during upload to pocketbase. This maybe fletched out further into a full blown content management system, (for editing) but who has time for that. PocketPress?!??